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Hand-Down Day

Office Closing September 26 through 27

by Bryan W. Wolford on 09/26/11

The office will be closed from Monday, September 26 through tuesday September 27 due to an out of town trial. I will be dialing in to check my messages periodically. 

Office Closing August 4 through August 5

by Bryan W. Wolford on 08/03/11

The office will be closed on Thursday, August 4 and Friday, August 5. We will resume office hours on Monday, August 8. 

Office Relocation Complete

by Bryan W. Wolford on 07/06/11

We are pleased to announce that the relocation of the Law Offices of Bryan W. Wolford has been completed. The new physical and mailing address of the office is:

The Law Offices of Bryan W. Wolford
604 South Thomas Street
California, Missouri  65018

The new location is one-half block south of Business 50 on Thomas Street. Thomas Street is the road that runs between Cal's Thriftway and Mr. G's Liquor. We are across the street from K.A. Dutcher's and behind the California Motel.

Our new office location has helped us to reduce our overhead costs and operating expenses. These lower costs have allowed us to maintain our current price structure to continue to provide high quality legal services to our clients for reasonable fees. In these tough economic times where many in the legal field are raising their client fees in the face of higher operating costs to maintain revenue, The Law Offices of Bryan W. Wolford has refused to pass the higher expenses on to our clients.

I recently had a conversation with an attorney who was a partner at a small firm of five attorneys. He told me that the best way to make more money was to raise fees and charges to clients. I respectfully disagreed with him. I firmly believe that by providing quality legal services at a reasonable price, I will attract more clients. The absolute best practice is to have a lot of clients who pay a reasonable fee than have a few clients who pay a high or excessive fee for legal services.

At any rate, we cordially invite the public to stop by and visit the new office location. Enjoy a cup of fresh-ground coffee and we can chat about the Cardinals, history, and arrowhead hunting. Please make an appointment to discuss any legal issues. Our initial consultations with clients remain at no charge to the client.

Office Closing 01/31 - 02/02

by Bryan W. Wolford on 01/31/11

Due to the severe winter storm anticipated to hit Mid-Missouri from Monday, January 31 through Wednesday, February 2, the office will be closed on the following dates:

Monday, January 31 - The office will close early at 2:00 p.m.

Tuesday, February 1 - The office will be closed. I seriously doubt any groundhogs will be out to see or not see their shadows today.

Wednesday, February 2 - The office will be closed.

Thursday, February 3 - As of 1/31/2011, the office will be closed. If conditions improve (or if we only get a half-foot of snow), there is the possibility of a delayed opening on Thursday.

During the closures, the phones and email will remain operational. Further, the office will take appointments during the closed days for those who absolutely must meet with an attorney, although we strongly encourage everyone to stay home and ride out the storm.

Please do not hesitate to contact us at (573) 796-2093 if you have any further questions.

Delayed Opening 01/11/11

by Bryan W. Wolford on 01/11/11

Due to the winter storm, the office will open at 1:00 p.m. today and remain open until 5:00 p.m.

Please call (573) 796-2093 to schedule an appointment or to speak with an attorney.

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The information on this Blog and web site has been provided for general information purposes only and is not legal advice. You should not act or rely solely on any information on this Blog or web site without seeking the advice of an attorney. The determination of whether you need legal services and your choice of an attorney are very important matters that should not be based on web sites or advertisements.